If you wish to access public land records in Boyle County, please visit our partner website, eCCLIX, hosted by Software Management, LLC.
Commercial User Records Search: This site was developed for businesses and individuals that are in the business of researching documents. There is a subscription fee and you will also have the option to add other counties within your searchable area.
Private Citizen Records Search: This site is for Boyle County residents seeking to search for personal reasons with zero commercial gain. You may only search Boyle County records and are limited to five searches per day. No charge for this service.
Records Room: (859)-238-1112
Open Records Policy
Standard Recording Fees
PLEASE NOTE: The fees below do not include charges for copies.
* Add $3.00 for every page over the first five (5) pgs
# Add $3.00 for every page over the first thirty (30) pgs